Early Stage Researcher
What is your project/research about? What would you like to find out?
My project is about microglia-endothelia cells interaction. Our studies will focus on the mediators regulating cerebral blood flow and leukocyte recruitment, including IL-1 signalling, chemokines and vasoactive substances. For that we will use both in vitro and in vivo models.
Why did you apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN and especially this project?
Since the beginning of my academic career I aimed to do a PhD and pursue a scientific career. During my BSc I found out neuroscience and decided I wanted to pursue in this field. My view of science was always a collaborative and exchange world, in which being willing to move and go abroad was implied. Therefore, the opportunity offered by an MSC ITN perfectly suits my idea of science. It gives the students a networking environment, promoting not just their scientific skills but also soft skill which I think are really important in any professional career.
About this specific project, what impressed me the most was its topic. As neuroinflammation is related to so many diseases, such as AD and stroke, that have a big impact in society it is important to understand its mechanisms and help not just clarify the diseases mechanisms but also improve treatments.
What is so fascinating for you on research in general?
For me the most fascinating part is the continuous learning process. Always having new challenges, the continuous search for answers, but mostly the opportunity to be allowed to continuously ask new questions.
What do you do in your free time? Do you have special interests/hobbies?
I really like adventures, so either following the adventures of my favorite characters in books, hiking through the amazing places our planet offers or traveling, I am constantly searching for the next adventure.
What are your plans for your future? Where/what you will be in 5 years?
In five years, I hope to be a freshly doctorate. What to do next I am not sure yet, to continue in academia or go for an industry career? I hope to find the answer during the next 5 years but I am sure the interest in science and research will keep growing.